« Dossier politique du numérique » : différence entre les versions

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=== Royaume-Uni ===
=== Royaume-Uni ===
* 2018 - [https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-gds-lessons-for-digital-government/ The rise and fall of GDS: lessons for digital government], 9 juillet.
* 2018 - [https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldai/100/100.pdf AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?], 16 avril.
* 2018 - [https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldai/100/100.pdf AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?], 16 avril.
* 2016 - [https://medium.com/@sheldonline/the-government-it-self-harm-playbook-6537d3920f65#.nas7xki8f The Government IT Self-Harm Playbook], 31 octobre.
* 2016 - [https://medium.com/@sheldonline/the-government-it-self-harm-playbook-6537d3920f65#.nas7xki8f The Government IT Self-Harm Playbook], 31 octobre.
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