Comité FACIL Médias/SQIL2015/Article pour

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< Comité FACIL Médias < SQIL2015

Proposition envoyée à


Challenges and rewards organizing a Free Software Week (for the 7th time)



I'm currently vice-president of FACIL, pour l'Appropriation Collective de l'Informatique Libre (recursive acronym meaning collective appropriation (which really means learning, using, developping) of open source, free software and free culture in general). FACIL was founded in Québec, Canada in 2003.

I started the Free Software Week (Semaine québécoise de l'informatique libre - SQIL) in 2004 and FACIL took over in 2005 when I became president.

We generally start it at the same time as the Software Freedom Day, 3rd Saturday of September, the 19th this year, and our ""week"" ends on Sunday the week after, the 27th.

I would like to offer an article explaining the challenges and rewards that come from organizing such a framework for activities to take place.

I would also serve to make the SQIL better known, and hopefully encourage other to do something similar in their part of the world to promote Open Source and Free Software.


  • Origin of the SQIL
  • Overview of the SQIL since 2004
  • Reaching out the the community, what works, what doesn't
  • Establishing clear goals
  • Provide good communication channels (for discussions, annoucements, meetings, etc.)
  • What to expect this year at the SQIL

Word count:

500 to 1000 words I guess (feature-length)

Réponse de

Thank you for submitting your article proposal for It's a great fit and I look forward to reviewing a draft.

Let me know if you have other questions,

Jen Wike Huger

Content Manager for @opensourceway | @jenwike

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